The mobile security surveillance trailers are reasonable in price, being a solution for your short and long-term site security. The security trailers for sale near me are at reasonable prices with several features:

  • cameras mounted on 30-foot poles
  • license plate capture
  • thermal imaging
  • live monitoring
  • 24/7 recording

You can buy the security trailers as the solution to your company’s needs. It has several uses, such as:

  • monitor an event
  • construction site
  • a site containing valuable assets

Security trailers offer surveillance for a bit of the cost of a security guard.

Security trailers for equipment yards and construction sites

Construction sites are the prime targets for bad people or thieves. The sites are located in some remote areas, making it easier to enter the unseen. The equipment is easy to access if the cabs are open, and one key unlocks all equipment. In addition, these sites are left unattended overnight and on weekends.

The site managers never notice the theft, which happened on the weekend until the next working day. When stolen, recovering the equipment is a challenging task. Not every piece of construction equipment is required with title and registration. Construction equipment remains the target for practiced thieves as it remains uneasy to secure and high value.

Since construction sites may pop up as temporary installations, setting up a permanent surveillance system is pricey and obsolete once the project is finished. Mobile surveillance security trailers cost-effectively accomplish security needs. The live-monitored security cameras record any suspicious activity, this will be reported to the police.

Special events security system

Indeed, security trailers can also be perfect surveillance security trailers for various events, like festivals and concerts. When assessing the security concerns of the large outdoor event, security guards are hired to monitor the activity. Employing security guards will be pricey and most vigilant teams can’t monitor everything. The mobile security surveillance trailers can reach 30 ft. high to monitor all the activity within the area.

The mobile surveillance security trailer offers you a superior 360-degree view in the event, which makes it easy for you to monitor everything, such as:

  • spotting fights
  • pickpockets
  • finding lost children

If an incident occurs, the cameras will be monitored by a live team constantly, while the police are called immediately. The cameras record and provide evidence if needed by the police or insurance companies.

Mobile surveillance security trailers are your best protection while you are not on-site.