The only way to make your home complete is to focus on its interiors. And nothing would enhance your home’s look unless the walls are on point. Whether you opted for wallpaper or paint, both these options have a huge impact on the aesthetics of your house. Focusing on walls while furnishing the home should be your first priority.

Before choosing a color scheme, decide on what will look great on your walls; paint or wallpaper. Both have their own pros and cons. It is very difficult to choose any one of them. Keep in mind that the wrong choice could end up being the worst mistake that you’ll have to bear in the future every day.

If you’re still confused between the two choices, this guide is for you. We’re going to shed light on the pros and cons of both paints and wallpapers to help you make the right decision. Read on;

Factors To Consider When Choosing Between Wallpaper Vs. Paint

Selection & Durability

Both wallpapers and paints come in a variety of colors and textures. Wallpapers come in vinyl and paper surfaces while paints come in different sheens and glosses.

  • Wallpaper

When it comes to durability, wallpapers stand out the best.  They can hold up to the wear and tear of children. The only drawback to having wallpapers is they are applied with an adhesive. It will cause them to peel away when installed in high moisture areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

  • Paint

Paint is also a durable option but it depends upon the finish/sheen. Paints with a semi-gloss and high-gloss finish are extremely durable and are reserved for doors and the exterior. For interior walls, Eggshell, satin, and flat sheets are ideal. The only reason why people do not prefer painting their walls is it requires repairing and repainting when gets damaged.


Which will cost you more; paint or wallpaper? Well, it depends. Continue reading to know why.

  • Wallpaper

Even though wallpaper is more expensive than paint, it is a one-time investment. When you think of long-term benefits, wallpapers could be more beneficial as they last much longer.

  • Paint

Paint, on the other hand, costs you relatively less. But it needs to be repaired every few years. So, we can say painting your walls could not be beneficial in the long term.


  • Wallpaper

Unlike paints, the maintenance of wallpapers is much simpler. You can make it new every time when wiping it using a damp cloth.

  • Paint

Paint, on the other hand, requires yearly touch-ups to stay in its original state. Every paint type comes with a unique set of instructions. Before choosing paint for your house, find out which will work best.

Both wall paints and wallpapers stand out on their own. To choose any one of them, you may need to consider the conditions and requirements first. Both of them are aesthetically pleasing. However, paints can be used anywhere but with wallpapers; you are strictly bound to install them in humidity areas.